Good September All,
Well, it is over…
Summer break has passed…
Time to get back at it…
From John’s Gospel to Mark’s Gospel, that is the direction we are going over the next few months. If you know anything about the Gospel of Mark, most theologians and scholars refer to it as the earliest Gospel, written during the 60’s of the first century. Another fact about Mark is that it is straightforward, meaning that there isn’t a lot of fill. Even when the author writes about miracles, there is little embellishment. But if you do study the miracles, you will notice that the stories really aren’t about what happened; rather, they focus more on Jesus’ identity. So, as we work our way through Mark, listen for such things as embarrassment, the term “Son of Man,” and what makes Jesus a good teacher.
Second, since it is September, discipleship opportunities are available. There will always be the opportunity to teach Sunday School or help out with the Children during service. Remember that on the last Saturday of the month we will begin the Community Breakfast for the season. This is an opportunity to come on by and have pancakes, sausage, and eggs. This is always a free event, and if you do choose to donate, the money given goes to the Motley Food Shelf. Stop on by for conversation and fellowship on September 28th starting at 9:00 am.
Remember, as the seasons change, let’s be aware of those around us. Let’s love the way Jesus wants us to love. Let’s be aware of the words we use. We are all God’s Children. We are all loved by Jesus.
Have a great September, and as always, if you need anything, don’t be afraid to reach out to me.
God Bless,
Pastor Greg Leslie