Good March All,
Well, we did it. Stephanie and I bit the bullet and finally got ahead of the game. So, what did we do? We bought the seeds for our garden. Yep, in the middle of February, we went to the store and bought our seeds. We are getting ahead of the whole garden thing this year. Oh, and not just that, we even took out a piece of paper and planned where we are going to plant everything.
I am sure many of you are thinking, it is only March! How can you be thinking about planting a garden? Well, with temperatures in the mid-forties and pushing fifty degrees, how can you not? With the lack of snow and the abundance of mud, this winter has been one of the better springs we have had in a long while.
But I do miss the snow, a little bit. I miss the dirtiness being covered up. The brownness lacks color, even if the color is white. I am sure glad I don’t own a snowmobile or one of those fancy fish houses. Thank God! (But for those of you who do, I am sorry for your loss.)
For those of you who don’t know, Easter is early this year, meaning that it is in March, on the 31st to be exact. Leading up to Easter, we will be continuing our Lenten services every Wednesday until Holy Week. Each Wednesday, join us for dinner starting at 5:15, and then a short service will follow starting at 6:00. We do thank all those who have volunteered their culinary skills to provide the soup and bread for these meals.
During Holy Week, we will just have two services during the week; on Maundy Thursday, we will come to and feast together with Holy Communion. On Good Friday, we will come together and listen to the story of Jesus’ crucifixion. Please join in worship throughout the month. You can do this in person or on Zoom.
Lastly, I want to thank all of you for your prayers. I know that all the people connected with the church’s prayer chain have been doing a good job. I am still waiting to hear back from the doctor, but keep me in your prayers as they try to figure out my heart.
God Bless,
Pastor Greg Leslie