I always have wondered how connected I am to my phone, and today I realized once again that it is almost an addiction. When I left for work this morning, I heard something fall out of my pocket onto the driveway. I looked down and saw nothing, so I just left. It was my phone. I realized this after I went to work and couldn’t find it.
After I found it on the driveway covered in snow with a tire track over it, I ran into the house to clean it off. Then, suddenly, the screen went black; it still made all the sounds, and it still accepted calls, but the screen had no light. All I thought was, “Not another one.” I went to the store, and they reset the phone, and now it works; I am a happy man.
There is this video online of two teenagers given the challenge of calling out on a rotatory phone. They seem to think that it was a joke as they attempted to make the call. Today we can just speak into the phone, and it can make the call. The world is changing, plain and simple. Technology is constantly advancing. We can talk to anyone in the world from anywhere we are.
All this got me thinking about something I heard today: what if people held to the Bible more than their phones? My response was: my Bible is on my phone.
But there is truth to the statement in the book of Acts, as we are told numerous times: “Change your hearts and lives.”
With the vast separation of the world, we need to take these words to heart; we need to “Turn back to God” and “wipe away the wickedness.”
Over the next year, I hope we all start to see how focusing on Jesus and our discipleship, instead of our earthly things, can change our hearts. Being a disciple and showing others what being a disciple is about can change hearts and lives. We need to see Jesus first and show others Jesus first through our actions and through the mission of the church.
I know there are times when our possessions are run over in the snow, but I also know that we can be found at our lowest points when our anxiety is at an all-time high. And in all this, I know that Jesus is there each time I lose my way. I want others to see the greatness of what Christ can do for them.
It’s our actions that can change lives, not just words.
Pastor Greg