Minimizing Back Pain Naturally Workshop Join Us … [Read More...]
Do Something Good Every Day
AA meeting in Fireside room at Motley United Methodist Church. Meetings are happening at the church in-person.
Join the group at the church for some light exercises (combination of standing and sitting exercises) on Tuesday and Friday mornings. As we get older, our bones need the work […]
TOPS Group meets in Choir room at Motley UMC
Game On!!!!!! First, third, & fifth Wednesday of each month from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Cards, Dice, Board Games, DominosBOARD GAMES: Aggravation, Cribbage, Rummikub CARDS: UNO, Skipbo, Hand and Foot, 500, Golf, Phase 10 DOMINOS: Mexican train, […]
Join the group at the church for some light exercises (combination of standing and sitting exercises) on Tuesday and Friday mornings. As we get older, our bones need the work […]
Church in-person and on Zoom.Worship Services can be attended in person in Motley or remotely via Zoom.When: Every Sunday at 10 am in Motley. Where: on Zoom and at MotleyUMC.MotleyUMC ID: […]
Monday Morning Bible Study; Meets weekly on Zoom; Studies use the current Upper Room devotional and periodically other resources.Join Zoom Meeting ID: 868 2685 8534Passcode: (contact Liz Curren)
AA meeting in Fireside room at Motley United Methodist Church. Meetings are happening at the church in-person.
Join the group at the church for some light exercises (combination of standing and sitting exercises) on Tuesday and Friday mornings. As we get older, our bones need the work […]