Good October Disciples,
If there is ever a month that one would like to take a walk with Jesus, October is that month. And if you’re one of the people who don’t like to go for a walk, maybe go for a drive. Fall is a great time to explore nature; you get to see the changing leaves and landscape. When you take time and explore, you will notice that you can see further into the trees, and you might notice something that might be new. Maybe that is why I have always liked Fall; there is always something new to see.
By the way, if you didn’t catch the first line, it said, “Take a walk with Jesus”. That is what we are going to focus on as we continue in Mark’s Gospel through October. On the first Sunday, we will celebrate “World Communion” as we walk together with other Christians in celebrating being the Body of Christ. On the second Sunday, we come together and celebrate another sacrament, which is Baptism. We will walk along with Jesus as we remember our baptisms. The thirst Sunday, I will be out of the pulpit as I have a wedding on that Saturday. The last Sunday, we will look at Bartimaeus, and ask ourselves, do the loudest really need to hear?
If you can tell, October is going to be a busy month, and if there is a month when you want Jesus walking beside you, well, let’s just say this is the month.
As a reminder, make sure you check the church calendar. Throughout the month, there will be plenty of discipleship opportunities within the church. There is game day, lefse making, the Fall Dinner, and even church cleaning. So, make sure you sign up a take part in all the church has to offer. I almost forgot; we can’t forget the Community Breakfast on the last Saturday of October.
As always, I love seeing each one of you grow in your discipleship as you continue to walk with Jesus.
God Bless,
Pastor Greg Leslie