Good June to the faithful disciples at Motley UMC and beyond,
I wanted to write this letter to help smooth out some of the confusion and questions that I have heard about the changes that are happening with my family.
First, I know there has been some conversation about me leaving the church, and I want to assure you all that I am appointed here for the next year. Yes, I am moving to my house, but my plan over the summer is to be in the church office every Wednesday. So, if you would like a visit from me, please reach out, and I can schedule that for those afternoons.
The second is around different employment. I will continue as a substitute teacher with the Park Rapids school district in the fall. When the school reached out to me and asked if I wanted the position, they knew and understood that I am a pastor, and they are more than willing to work around my schedule. All this means is that if something comes up, I am able to arrange my schedule to do what needs to be done.
Lastly, I want to thank everyone for their questions. Stephanie and I are excited for the challenges that are ahead. We are excited to move into the house that we built. And we are excited about being able to meet new people and grow in our ministry together in new community.
I thank you all for the prayers; we need them more than you can ever imagine because this decision was never easy. I also appreciate the church and the SPRC being willing to listen to what I have presented to them in this time of change. I know and understand that change is difficult, but I am here for all of you.
God Bless all of you on our future endeavors here at Motley UMC.
Pastor Greg Leslie