Merry December, Disciples of Christ,
It is finally here.
Wow, Pastor Greg, that is vague.
It is…
Well, what is finally here?
Is it Christmas?
Is it Advent?
Is it the cold weather?
Is it snow?
Yes, yes, to all of them.
When you read those responses, they are all things that we need to prepare for, aren’t they? We prepare for the cold weather by getting our warm winter jackets and our winter boots out from the back of the closet. We prepare for the snow by picking up the yard or even running to the store to get a new snow shovel. We prepare for Christmas by beginning to bake, to buy presents, to decorate, but most of all, we prepare by observing Advent.
The season of Advent is purposeful: it is not just about prophecy or lighting the Advent wreath; it is about preparing our hearts and minds for what is about to come. Now, maybe for some of you, what is to come isn’t the same thing I am thinking about. Perhaps things such as the traveling, the planning for dinner, how much more snow we are going to get, how much colder it is going to be…
Now, what I am preparing for is the birth of the Christ Child. And the way that I am doing that is focusing on the weeks ahead. Each Sunday during Advent, we will light the four candles, each one representing something we should have in our hearts. So, as we light those candles, where are you finding the HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE in the season?
And maybe with all the hustle and bustle of the season, that is a hard thing to do. But that is why we are here. We are here to bring as much Christ into the season as we humanly can. So, how can the church help? Well, the answer to that is through the giving of your time and talents in activities in the church or in the community.
With that being said, we have a busy month ahead of us. Remember that December 7th is Santa Day, so we could still use some people to make treats and help our customers with their shopping. December 15th is the children’s program, make sure that you support the youth of the congregation. December 22nd will be a special day; this Sunday, we will be giving our third graders Bibles.
Another reminder is that we will Celebrate the birth of the Christ Child during our Candlelight service on December 24th at 4:30 p.m. Invite people!
I hope you all have a blessed Advent season and Christmas.
God Bless,
Pastor Greg Leslie